Take time to view this 22 minute PowerPoint on 1000 years of Glasgow Green history by Spirit of Revolt/ Archives of Dissent. The music was specially written by Los Angeles-based Scottish composer Paul Mounsey, and to our knowledge is the first music composed for Glasgow Green, in spite of all the musical events which have taken place here in the past millennium. spiritofrevolt.info
Oct 01 2020
Radical History on Glasgow Green
Jul 23 2020
Guy Aldred and his Granddaughter plus comments about him on the green.
People Making Glasgow
The Drying Green on Templeton Street, a right of Freemen of the City.
Audio – Guy Aldred and his Granddaughter plus comments about him on the green.
Jul 23 2020
Get out your VR Headset or Give Your Oculus to a Granny or Grandad !!! Virtual View of the Peoples Palace on Glasgow Green, Use the WASD Keys or mouse / touch screen to look around the exhibits, Video by The Radical Imagination Project… http://thesocialenergycollective.org/
Jul 11 2020
Glasgow Lost
On the 1st of April 2007, the mangement of Glasgow’s common goods assets was transfered to a private charitable company. This is a selection of what the people of Glasgow lost…glasgowLOST.org website to follow soon.
May 31 2020
Winter Gardens event, January 1989
As reported by Angus Calder in the London Review of Books
Just seventy years after Friday, 31 January 1919, when troops and tanks stood by to quell a mass rally, in Glasgow’s George Square, of West of Scotland workers campaigning for a forty-hour week, the event was remembered in the People’s Palace, the museum of labour history on Glasgow Green.
A bronze bust of Willie Gallacher by Ian Walters was not so much unveiled as proclaimed. It sits at the top of the building, in the room where Ken Currie’s controversial Rivera-style murals of working-class history can be seen around the ceiling: but the speeches were made in the Winter Garden downstairs, where heavy rain dripping through the glass roof and a chill which gnawed one’s bowels did not dismay the two hundred people who had gathered to honour the man who from 1935 to 1950 was Honourable Member for West Fife (Comm.), and an activist long before that on the Clyde Workers Committee. Continue reading
Mar 09 2020
Messages on our birthday
People’s Palace 122nd birthday, 22 January 2020
Messages from people who could not be with us:
From actor John Cairney and his wife Alannah O’Sullivan. Both were very active in the 1990 campaign to help the People’s Palace.
Unfortunately, Alannah and I can’t be with you.
We genuinely wish you and all at the People’s Palace a deserving 122nd Happy Anniversary! The People’s Palace for me growing up nearby in the East End made it a very special place indeed, and I was grateful for it. It still belongs to the People of Glasgow as it speaks for all of us, not only by its longevity and continued credibility, but for fully representing the beating heart of the city.
John Cairney
Jan 16 2020
Palace’s Birthday
To mark the 122nd anniversary of the opening of the People’s Palace/Winter Gardens, the Friends of the People’s Palace, Winter Gardens and Glasgow Green will be holding a commemoration event this Wednesday:

11.00am to midday, Wednesday, 22nd January 2020,
at the People’s Palace, Glasgow Green.
There will be a designer-cake for the event, plus music and short contributions from speakers. If you’re free, please come along.
Keep an eye out for further details on our Facebook page:
Having quietly endured almost twenty years of managed decline, writes Hailey Maxwell, it is crucial that we consider the possibility that the Peoples’ Palace on Glasgow Green – a valuable civic asset and monument to Scottish history and working-class life may presently be at real risk of being neutralised, misappropriated and entirely co-opted into a neoliberal agenda. Spaces and places which were once public are being repurposed and reimagined not for the benefit of the citizen but for the property developer, the multi-national corporation and the tourist.
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